Colonic Hydrotherapy (irrigation) Treatment

Why choose a Colonic?

Colonic hydrotherapy (irrigation) is a safe and gentle treatment that supports the cleansing of the body via the large intestine (colon).

People use colonics as a systemic detox programme, or to help provide them with much needed relief from functional bowel problems like constipation, IBS, bloating and diarrhoea. It is suitable for either gender and for anyone aged between 18 and 80+!

I also see clients who recognise the value of a colonic on a deeper level. They use this treatment as a way of ‘drawing a line’ after a challenging episode of life, viewing it as way to add closure by ‘letting it go.’ How our bodies hold on to emotions is well documented, and having a colonic is a great way to move through difficult feelings and experiences.

There are some conditions contra-indicated for treatment and these will be discussed during your consultation, but if there is something you’d like to check out first, just email me hello@ or read our FAQs about colonics.

Cartoon of tummy full of poo before colonic treatment Wiltshire

What is involved?

The procedure involves the gentle infusion of warm filtered water into the rectum. The abdomen is massaged at stages throughout the colonic, which can help loosen impacted faeces and mucous which is then piped away in the wastewater. There is no physical exposure to the waste product by either the client or the therapist during the procedure. It is not painful and only slight cramping may occur when gas or waste has accumulated.

The number of treatments required will vary according to the individual and the condition being treated, and this is the sort of thing that would be discussed during your consultation.

What are the Benefits of Colonics?

The benefits of colonic treatments are far-reaching. Those clients who present with bowel-related symptoms are often amazed to find that seemingly unrelated problems are also resolved.

As no two people are the same, it is impossible to predict how you might feel following a course of treatment, but generally clients report the following improvements:


  • Improved and regular bowel function
  • Much more energy
  • Positive mental attitude
  • Improved sleep
  • Clarity of thought and vision
  • Smooth and toned skin
  • Pain-free periods
  • Improved digestion
  • Feelings of lightness and ease
  • Greater comfort day to day
  • A great sense of well being and lightness due to a diminished toxic load and improved elimination

Please watch our Speculum demonstration video – this shows the tube used for colonic hydrotherapy  treatment and talks about how this is carried out in a comfortable and dignified manner.

Cover of an introduction to colonic hydrotherapy

Testimonials from Colonic Clients

“Having had a number of number of treatments with Katherine, I can honestly say that they have helped so much. I no longer get headaches, I have more energy and my skin, nails and hair are also in a better condition.””


South Glos

“A colonic with Katherine is a complete treat. She is so comforting and relaxing that we chat away about all sorts of subjects and I am genuinely sad when it’s over. The colonic itself helps me think straight and feel sorted and I value that greatly.”



“The experience leaves you feeling clean, light and invigorated, and perhaps a little hungry, and Katherine’s delightful ‘bedside manner’ helps you to maintain your dignity, your privacy and your sense of humour.”



What is the cost of Colonic Hydrotherapy?

New Colonic Client:
Each new client will have a consultation in advance of any treatment to ensure that it is appropriate for us to work together. The appointment is 1 hour and 30 minutes, includes for the colonic consultation and treatment, and costs £120.

Returning Colonic Client:
To book a follow up treatment (if not visited for over 3 years please book as new client) the appointment is 1 hour and 10 minutes, includes a brief catch up and treatment, and costs £80.

Please use the online booking system to make your appointment and check our terms and conditions of booking.


Colonics are popular and I’m often booked up a couple of weeks in advance. Just because people don’t openly talk about having this treatment, doesn’t mean they’re not! Don’t delay, book today!

Frequently Asked Questions about Colonic Treatments

Is it a painful procedure?

No, it is not painful. Some clients experience a slight cramping sensation when waste or gas has accumulated but this is only mild discomfort and passes after a few seconds.

How much does it cost?

Information on charges and availability can be found on the Appointments page.

Will I be okay to drive home afterwards?

Absolutely. You should be able to resume your normal day, but if you’ve never had a colonic before, it would be ideal if you can plan your first appointment on a day when you can take it easy afterwards.

How many treatments will I need?

This will depend on your presenting condition and general health but it is generally recommended to have a minimum course of three colonics.

Is it a safe procedure?

Yes. All speculums and equipment are single-use and disposable. There are a few health conditions which are contra-indicated for colonics and this will all be covered during your consultation. If you’re really concerned, you can drop Katherine an email in advance of your appointment for clarification.

Are there any negative side effects?

Unlike regular use of laxatives, which encourage bowel laziness and have many negative side effects, colonic hydrotherapy is not habit forming and in fact, improves muscle tone.

Can I have a colonic if I have my period?
Yes, it is absolutely fine to have a colonic whilst having your period. In fact, it can often help to reduce period cramps and discomfort.
What should I eat before and after I have my treatment?
You would be advised not to have a large meal before or after your colonic but do eat something. Try to avoid rich, fatty meals and alcohol after your treatment.
What do I have to wear?

Please just wear your normal clothing. You will be given a fleece to cover your body during the procedure to help keep you warm and maintain your dignity.

Already an Amazon No. 1 International best seller

Let That Sh*t Go! - 31 Things to do if you Want a Better Poo. Book by Katherine Brooke
Cover of an introduction to colonic hydrotherapy

Out Now – Let that Sh*t Go!

Katherine Brooke wrote “Let That Sh*t Go!” to increase your awareness of the options available to you, in the hope that you can make different choices and move yourself towards improved digestive comfort and all-around confidence, ultimately leading you to fulfilment and a much-improved quality of life.​

In this book, you will:

  • Get to the Bottom of Why You Can’t Poo
  • Discover Your Microbiome and Its Significance
  • Receive Tools to Help You Shift Patterns in Your Colon
  • Understand Why Colon Hydrotherapy Is a Good Move for You
  • Learn How to Stop Hating Your Guts and Start Loving Yourself
“'Let That Sh*t Go!' is one of those books that everyone needs to read if they want to understand the influence their gut has on their life and health.”

Joe Vitale, NY Times Bestselling Author, Speaker, and Featured Teacher from the hit movie, "The Secret"
“In a forthright yet heartfelt way, 'Let That Sh*t Go!' delivers the important message that taking care of your colon should not be at the bottom of your priority list.”

Linda Booth, Naturopath, Registered Colon Hydrotherapist, and Founder of "Just For Tummies"
“This book gives you a fresh perspective and practical tools to improve your gut health."

Bob Proctor, New York Times Bestselling Author, World Renowned Speaker and Featured Teacher from the hit movie, The Secret”
"I’d recommend “Let that Sh*t Go” to anyone struggling with digestive problems. It’ll change your perception of what you think is going on inside you and why!"

Anne Acushla Hassett, Psychic and Spiritual Counsellor, Motivational Speak and Author

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No1 bestseller on Amazon Book Let That Sh*t Go

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Colonic Hydrotherapy Colonic Irrigataion

Colonic Hydrotherapy Treatment

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